Under the umbrella of cosmetic gynecology, there are different vaginal rejuvenation services offered. One of those is a clitoral hood reduction. You are probably wondering what a clitoral hood reduction is? It`s one of the primary services performed by Dr. Sue Kafali at the FemSculpt cosmetic gynecology practice in Chicago.  In simple terms, a clitoral hood reduction aims to reduce the excess skin above the clitoris that can protrude and makes this area less sensitive during sexual activity. FemSculpt

Let`s go into more details about a clitoral hood reduction so you understand if this is a cosmetic gynecology procedure that`s right for you.  The Location of the Clitoral Hood The clitoral hood is the fold of skin over the clitoris, where the inner lips converge at the front of the vulva. Sometimes the size and appearance of this extra skin can change over time due to lifestyle factors, like childbirth, aging, or weight gain. Plus, that necessary protective flap of skin naturally looks and feels different on all women. The size, color, and even shape vary widely.  There isn`t a right way for this area to look at a woman, but many can feel self-conscious about this sensitive area regardless. 

The Goals of the Clitoral Hood Reduction Procedure  

The clitoral hood reduction will trim and rearrange the area with a more aesthetically pleasing look. Plus, when the clitoris is more exposed, it`s easier to achieve sexual satisfaction and orgasms. So if you dislike how this area looks on your body, you can have it improved with a clitoral hood reduction.  During the Procedure and Recovery Time  The clitoral hood reduction procedure works under local or general anesthesia. The amount of tissue you need to be removed from the area is carefully considered with your goals and the doctor`s recommendation.  In general, recovery happens very quickly in this area of the body. You should expect a recovery period of six to eight weeks, where you`ll have to abstain from sexual activity, strenuous exercise and watch for possible infections to occur. After a while, you won`t even notice the tiny scars in this area which are minimal.

Now that you know what is clitoral hood reduction, is this improvement something that sounds like a body goal of yours? Talk to the staff at FemSculpt if you have any questions regarding this innovative cosmetic gynecology procedure. FemSculpt